Stubborn: Friday Flash (and good news!)

I won’t get out.
You can’t make me. I’ll stay here till I’ve got raisin fingers and wobbly legs no good for standing. Don’t make no difference to me that the mist’s coming up and I feel the chills racing up my kneecaps. All that’s holding me up is this half-flated tire from Jimmy’s old truck and I don’t think I can feel my toes.
Don’t matter though. My mama said I couldn’t stay in the creek past supper but here I am, hungry and wet. That’ll sure show her.

flash fiction tree

More inspiration and Friday flash fiction can be found at Madison Wood’s site here.

I’m back to flash fiction!! It’s been way too long since my last story. I tried to make it very structured and have a definite purpose, but that just didn’t work. I wanted it to go one way but it felt absolutely wrong. So then I went with what I have above and it reminded me that writing can be fun. Which is kind of what I think flash fiction is about.

On a vaguely related note, I wanted to let people know what that post from a few weeks ago was all about. Remember, the one I wrote about why I wanted to be an editor? Well, it was part of an application for the 2012 Columbia Publishing Course, a six-week graduate program at Columbia University. And I got in! I’m super excited. Now all I need to do this summer is complete an intensive publishing course and write my dissertation. I’m sure this will all be very easy and I won’t be alleviating stress (or procrastinating) by updating the blog. And, of course, flash fictioning.

16 thoughts on “Stubborn: Friday Flash (and good news!)

  1. As someone new to this flash fiction genre/exercise, can I ask you a question (or two)? When you say you wanted it to be “very structured” and to have a definite purpose, what exactly did you mean? Do you mean what I would call character, setting and plot? Or are you talking about something that I am missing, and possibly never learned about? I am fully serious here … I enjoyed my literature classes in college, but have to admit that the technical parts of them weren’t exactly my cup of tea. When I write (especially with a 100-word maximum), I just put words to paper and don’t give “structure” a thought.

    With respect to your story, you almost have the voice down pat. I’m not sure that “ing” would appear, though (just drop the “g”), unless you you tried it out and thought that it sounded too colloquial and a bit forced. I wouldn’t. You’re clearly trying to capture persona, and have done a really good job in this brief piece.

    1. When I said I wanted it to have a definite purpose I meant that I tried to direct where it went–I wanted to use it as a character exercise to find out more about a larger story I’m writing. But it didn’t feel right, so I just wrote. And I think this ended up being the character I was searching for, so it worked out anyway.

      I thought about dropping the “g” but decided against it. In the end it wasn’t who this person was–she knows how to speak correctly but decides against it in certain cases. I think.

      Good luck with your flash!

  2. The photo is eerily beautiful. Your Flash Fiction…Amazing. And a very BIG congratulations on your being accepted to CU. I hope to come visit you there. See you in Bonnie Scotland soon. I love you. Mamita.

  3. Hi…Welcome back to FF and Congratulations for being accepted to CU. Enjoyed your piece however it appears shorter than 100 words. Nice take on the stubborn, bratty one. She will learn when she ends up in bed with pneumonia. Looking forward to future pieces from you. Here’s mine:

      1. I tried to comment on your story but it wouldn’t let me–it kept redirecting me. In any case, it was a lovely piece.

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